Red, White, and Blue Benefit Gala, The Club at Barefoot Beach, FL, Co-Chair and Co-Sponsor
WIN (Women’s Independence Network), Benefit Show and Auction
Red, White, and Blue Benefit Gala, The Club at Barefoot Beach, FL, Co-Chair and Co-Sponsor
- As a Social Committee Member Heather Roy’s 2014 vision to host a benefit in honor and support of our country’s Service Men and Women and Veterans was overwhelming voted in by Club Membership in 2015 and readily approved by the Club’s Board of Directors in 2016. Roy, along with Social Committee colleague Karen Robideau, will co-host this event on Presidents DayWeekend, Feb. 18, 2017 . (2014-present.)
- Artana acted as Co-Chair and consultant on the organization and implementation of a silent and live art auction of original artwork to raise funds for the restoration of the Athenaeum, a historic community building in Saxonville, MA. Artana was also Co-Juror, with Ron Crusan, Director, Danforth Museum of Art, of the juried auction entries. The auction grossed $18,000. (2003)
WIN (Women’s Independence Network), Benefit Show and Auction
- Artana dedicated its show “The Me in Femininity” to the WIN organization to help support battered women and children. In this 2-part benefit, the gallery organized and hosted a silent art auction to benefit the organization. Artana donated 100% of the proceeds to the organization. In addition, Artana donated an additional 25% of all February gallery sales (outside the auction) to the WIN cause. Artana’s show and auction raised over $5,000 for WIN. (2001)